Monday 5th March 2012
Madness is all I can say. So on Saturday my OH didn't take long doing his job but decided that he was going to the bar instead of spend some time with his family. So I went to my mum & dads for a while then shopping with Claire and Aaron. When I was @ my mum & dads they were telling me that my brother Jason had been out the night before and didn't get in until 7:30am that morning. And he was still drunk when he got in to the house, as he had been sleeping in his car until 9:30am! Madness.. Then on Saturday night Samuel took Aaron & I to the chinese for dinner. When we got back from dinner Grandma came down to see us. Whilst my Granda took Jason to his friends house.
Dinner was nice but Aaron got fed up so easy, plus Samuel was drunk so I didn't like being out for dinner with him when he was drunk. When we got home and Grandma and Granda had left Samuel decided he was still hungry so he ordered a chinese again. So he got that and ate it then we went to bed. On Sunday we got up quite early for a Sunday and went to the car boot sale. Nice we walk round and Samuel got new work boots and a sign for outside the house. Then Samuel went and swapped his car with some fellas Honda Civic. When he came back I handed him Aaron and went to bed for a sleep, only planned on going up for a half hour. When I woke up Aaron was in bed beside me sleeping and it was 7PM!! Aaron woke up @ 7:15PM. I went downstairs to find Samuel doing the dishes and cleaning up in the kitchen. I had a wee tidy up round the living room.
Grandma, Granda and Auntie Trish came down to see us for a while. Samuel had to show my Granda his new car and everything. We played away with Aaron. Once they left the 3 of us chilled on the sofa and eat ice lollies. Once we had watched some tv we were all ready for bed. Even though Aaron & I had only got up 3hours before. So I got Aarons bottles made up and we all went to bed. Aaron was in his cot sleeping for 10:30PM ( I know what some might think, he's 11months old he should be in bed for 7:30PM but when my son goes that early hes up 3hours later, wide awake).
Monday morning (today) Got woke up by my mother phoning me @ 9:30AM wanting to know if we were up. Well Yes Mother now we are!! She came round and took Aaron to Mother&Toddlers in my Church. I showered and wash few bottles etc. Claire came over and we had a chit chat & a cuppa. I just love relaxing whilst Aaron is away. When they came back from M&T we had a cuppa and then Mum went to go to work. Aaron & I had some food. Then we played and then went to the shop to get bread, electric etc. Aaron fell asleep in the car. He only woke as I started typing this. Since we got back from the shop, my cousin Julie has been over having a look @ Samuels car. I think she's going to buy it!
This week in general is just full of madness. On Thursday Samuel will be taking the day off work to go to a court hearing, about an incident that happened to him on January 29th 2011. He got attacked leaving a bar on the night of my baby shower, he broke his foot. Ended up having to have an operation on his foot where he got 2 screws put into it. He was out of work until June/July 2011. He was unable to help me do basic things with our newborn son, during labour he was useless. Unfortunately he didn't know who had attacked him. But anyway the court hearing is to see if he can get a claim. Those 6months that he was out of work left him out of pocket. He deserves some kind of compensation. I just hope he gets the claim. On Friday it is my term appointment. So if I haven't had baby since then I will need to get scanned.. So I hope that goes well..
Well I best shoot on and play with Aaron!
Speak soon..
Much love
Kirsty, Aaron & Bump xxxxxxxxx
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